I spent the weekend driving back and forth between Ajo and Tucson (a 2 1/2 hour drive), to participate in the annual Tucson Open Studio Tour. Roughly 134 artists open their studios to visitors during this weekend event. A group of us from the
Curley School were invited to exhibit our work at the
Dinnerware ArtSpace. My husband and I drove over on Friday to unload and set up my space (we each got about 10 feet of wall space). So I drove a total of 10 hours in three days. Lots of people came and looked at the work - more on Sunday than Saturday. Many were artists who were checking out ideas and prices.
The thing about doing something like this is that
you are on display as well as your art. This is not the most comfortable feeling in the world, at least not for me. It's hard to know whether to just sit there or to be talkative when people come by. I would have preferred to spend the weekend under the table. Clearly, trying to sell my own work isn't going to be my sales method of choice. I did meet lots of nice and friendly people. And I got some appreciative comments about my work. But sales??? Well, let's just say that I went in the hole, what with gas and the entry fee. It was, however, a beautiful space to show in. And a good learning experience.